Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Journey At Blogspot

Hi there. Thanks for visiting my very new photoblog at blogspot.

To be honest, I have been blogging for years since i got internet access at home few years back. Firstly, I blogged at friendster, and then i switched to wretch. Both are blogged in Mandrin. After knowing many friends whose mother languages are not Mandrin, and they really suggest me to blog in English one day. Hence, it's the beginning of my journey here at Blogspot. But, this blog has to be merely for photography purpose,and in English only, so that I have a specific space to post all my images, together with the words i hope to express during the process of producing images, which I think is crucial enough to complete the rest of the message which was not told in the photos:)

For your information, I fell in love with photography not long ago. Thanks to Martini Princess, my highschool juniour, who shared her experience with me in photography, and showed me her deviatart site, which is amazing enough to get me involved in the photography world.

I never had a real camera before 2007. During school time, I just borrowed my uncle's digital camera when I had any function which was worth my digital record with friends, at least that i is real until I bought my very first color screen handset, the Nokia N73!!!

After influenced by Martini Princess, I used my camera to snap some pics and sent over to her for comments. Well, she was encouraging enough to make me stepped even furtherer by considering to own a real machine for photography purposes.

I started to search out all the affordable compact digital cameras in the market on net, and asked opinion of my friends who are selling the equipment. I practise this all the time, not only when buying camera, as i really understand how tough we need to work for others to earn "peanut" :(

But I tell you what, i had changed my mind by considering the greater-in-price-and-better-in-quality slr-like prosumer bridge camera.

But I tell you what again, that you are going to ignore me...
I finally went for a quite expensive entry level dslr - Nikon D80 kit set!!!

And to be honest, my mum didn't really know how much i spent for this purpose. She did ask, but guess how I answered her?
I said the whole set cost me around RM2k something. I dare not include the "only" or " nia" at the end, because to her, this hobby is just too much for me to be left behind and too much for me to spend.

By exploring through all the buttons available on the D80, and reading all the informative information on net, others' blogs, and pro's sharing, I think there are something I can do more in photography. You can just click on the right of this blog,"My Deviantart", under "portfolio" to see the images I took during the early days of my photographic self study.

I realised that, the learning path in the world of photography is endless, because photography is an art, not only about the equipment. But to be realistic, the better equipment always help us to achieve more in image quality, for both printing as a hardcopy or viewing on net. By understanding the equipment we have, fully utilising all the possible functions on it, we are sure to get better and better shots in the future. But, hehe, really, always go for the best option according to our financial ability, it's really costy wei!!!!

Well, since this blog is everything about photography, for everyone who is interested in photography, who wants to know more about the equipment, who wants to compare the photographical machines and comparisons, or who only wants to look at beautiful images :) , you are at the right place here, as other than the presentable images taken by me ( ehem cough cough cough...) , I also include all the photography education links, professional photographers' sites, and other friends' photoblogs in this blog. Of course, I will update and add more useful stuffs here as soon as I discover them:)

So, I am not going to say anything further, my journey at Blogspot begins here!

You are welcomed to read this blog everyday, I will try to update it frequently and try to make it as informative as possible.

Photography rocks!!!


Anonymous said...

hey hey i saw my name hehehe
anyway, can you link me as martini princess instead of my real name please? try to make my blog anonymous :) thanks ya!!!

frederick1983 said...

haha....finally got the very first comment and it's from u!!!
Welcome to my photoblog wei!!!!
sure, martini princess,i got it now.hope u like it:)